Coach Nathan, Oli, Tyler & Cobi have been teaching PE in our school to cover PPA time in YR, Y1 & Y2 since the beginning of 2014/15. We have been impressed with their commitment to the school and the children. Through the great collaboration we have set up Nathan has ensured that the children are covering our PE Scheme of Work, and the coaches have been willing to adapt and improve it where they feel their expertise fits. They also come in early to set up and make sure they get the children involved in some activity at the end of the lunchtime break twice a week. We’ve used them for some staff CPD so that the teachers are also using this as a chance to improve their practice and pick up some good ideas. The benefit of using Active Development is just as they had promised, the children get the same coaches and they are reliable and most of all the children are making progress in their PE.
Peter George, Deputy Head Teacher, Oldfield Park Infant School
By Nathan Loader|2018-03-11T22:11:08+00:00March 5th, 2014|Testimonials|Comments Off on Peter George, Deputy Head Teacher, Oldfield Park Infant School